Fairfield Lexington, Newberry, Richland

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll a new child in the program?

Step 1: Choose Profile from tabs on top of site and select Add Member
Step 2: Answer questions regarding new child
Step 3: Select Enroll Now or go to Enrollment screen
  • Choose child you want to enroll in new service
  • Choose location where service is located
  • Choose service for which you want to enroll
  • Choose Manual Pay or Auto Pay
  • Choose rate for which you qualify and provide requested verification information
  • Choose discount if this is your second or additional child you are enrolling in our services for the same period and provide requested verification information
  • Choose start and end dates child will attend the service
  • Choose frequency of payments
  • Hit Continue to Payment Options
Step 4: on Billing Information screen
  • Enter Credit/Debit Card information
  • Click Pay and Complete Enrollment
  • Read and click Agree to the Payment and Enrollment Policy
You have enrolled your child

How do I enroll an existing child in a new service?

Step 1: Choose Enroll Tab from top of website or from the User Account on top left side of website.
Step 2: on Member Enrollment screen
  • Choose child you want to enroll in new service
  • Choose location where service is located
  • Choose service for which you want to enroll
  • Choose manual payment or auto payment
  • Choose rate for which you qualify and provide requested verification information
  • Choose discount if this is your second or additional child you are enrolling in our services for the same period and provide requested verification information
  • Choose start and end dates child will attend the service
  • Choose frequency of payments
  • Click Continue to Payment Options
Step 3: on Billing Information screen
  • Enter Credit/Debit Card information
  • Click Pay and Complete Enrollment
  • Read and click Agree to the Payment and Enrollment Policy
You have enrolled your child

How do I change/update information about my child?

Step 1: Choose Profiles and then Members from top of website, and select the child you want to update
Step 2: Choose the tab with the information you want to update
Step 3: Choose Edit This Information at below the information
Step 4: Edit the information you want and click Update this Information

Which Campus should I choose for my child?

The Campus you want to select is where your child will be attending the primary service in which they are participating. This is typically the school your child attends.

Who sees and what happens to my financial information submitted for verification of eligibility of a lower rate?

The information is reviewed and verified by a select member of our account management team. Once verified, the information is stored on a secure server and only the employees who need to have access given permission to open the files.

How do I register if I don’t have a credit or debit card?

Parents without credit or debit cards can get a prepaid credit card at most convenience or drug stores (Walgreens, Walmart, Dollar General) or from any of the following websites:

How do I withdraw my child from the program?

Step 1: Go to Financials Section and select Services
Step 2: Identify the Child and Service you want to Withdraw
Step 3: Click on the Withdraw button for that service
*Please note that you will have to withdraw from each service separately for each child.
*Please also note that we require 14 days advance notice for withdrawal.

What is the secure fax number where I send my financial information to verify my lower rate?

1-803-675-0475 (*you MUST dial the full number)

What are the club's Terms & Conditions for Enrollment?

Our Payment and Enrollment Policy:
  • Registration Fee:  A one time non-refundable fee of $25.Initial Fee: Non-refundable.
    • Rate Verification: Documentation to validate discounted rates is due within 5 days of enrollment.  If valid documentation is not provided, the rate will revert back to the Market Rate (or the rate for which you qualify) and you will be charged the difference.  You may email your documents to the Account Representative for this location or fax your documents to 803.252.9413. Rates are adjusted from the date proof of documents are received. We will not issue a refund for services prior to submitting proof of documentation.
    • Rates Subject to Change: Rates are subject to change without notice. Customers who enrolls under a promotion rate and rates has change. Your account cannot be adjusted to the promotional rate. Customers who withdraw or are disenrolled from the program for non-payment will have to re-enroll in the program at current rates.
    • Payment Schedules: Payment schedules are determined by the number of days for which you registered multiplied by your verified daily rate divided into equal payments that cover the time frame you selected services. Payments are due each Monday for manual payment customers and according to the selected schedule for auto payment customers. Auto payment schedules for ongoing services (i.e. after school care) may run over the breaks and holidays and payments will be due during these times. These payments cover only the ongoing service. Additional service like vacation camps,in-service and Early Release days may be purchased for additional fees from the Parent Portal.
    • Late Fees: A $5 late fee may be assessed if payment is not received within 48 hours of due date.
    • Payment Options: Parents have the option to pay by auto payment, or one of the other manual payment methods listed below.
    • Auto Payment - You will be able to sign up for auto payment during the enrollment process.
    To switch from auto payment to manual payment please contact us directly and request this change.
    • Manual Payment - Payment due the first day of service for the week according to the payment schedule
    To switch from manual to auto payment  please contact us directly and request this change.
    • Payments may be made in the following ways
    • By credit/debit card through the Parent Portal,
    • In person at a local First Citizens Bank branch (ask for a Boys & Girls Club payment slip)
    • Via mail to PO Box 423, Columbia SC 29202.
    • Weekly Participants: Parents who select weekly participation are paying for a slot in the program and will be charged regardless of usage.  This policy is in place to ensure appropriate staff and an excellent program experience for all participants. Refunds are not subject to non-related BGC closure.
    • Drop in Participants: Parents who select drop in participation will be charged based upon the days their children attend the program. Account must be prefunded.
    • Withdrawals: All withdrawals must be done through the Parent Portal. Two weeks in advance.
    It is not allowed to routinely stay later than the scheduled shift. After 5 instances the late pick up fee is $5 per minute. The 8th instance may result in your child being removed from the program. Late fees must be paid prior to your child returning to the program.
  • Outstanding Balances: You authorize Boys & Girls Clubs to collect outstanding balances, including late fees and late pick up fee, by charging the credit cards provided to make payment on this account if payment is not made another way, or if payment arrangements with our account management staff have not been made and/or honored. Balances two weeks behind or later will be set to autodraft for payment. Balances 30 days or older may be sent to collections.
  • Disenrollment for Non Payment: Customers with two weeks worth of balances during the school year and one week of outstanding balances during the summer will not be able to return until full payment is made. Payment arrangements are available prior to this status.
  • Returned Check Fee: A $15 fee will be charged to customers for returned checks in addition to any fees charged by the bank or collection agency.
  • Payment Reports: Payment reports are available from the Parent Portal. Accounts must be current in order to access this report (Receipts/Tax Statements). 
  • Credit/Debit cards will remain on file.
  • Past Balances: Customer's accounts must be current in order to enroll in new services.  Questions about prior balances and payment arrangements can be addressed at 803.231.3300.
    ©2025 Fairfield Lexington, Newberry, Richland